Flooring Underlayments
The underlayment is an integral part of proper installation of most real hardwood (such as engineered hardwood), and hardwood-seeming floors (such as laminate or luxury vinyl floors). There are two main reasons that underlayments are used in flooring: 1- to create insulation between the new floors and the subfloor, and 2- for acoustic properties.
The specifications of the underlayment necessary is always dependent on the specifications of the project. The major considerations include where the product is being installed, and the method of installation, and the requirements of the site. For example, floating floors will have different underlayment requirements than the ones being fastened to subfloors. Also Stone Plastic Composite vinyl planks have different requirements in regards to underlayments than Wood Plastic Composite vinyl planks, or a glue down installation on a concrete subfloor will have different requirements for underlayment than a floating installation.
The specifications of what underlayments are the best to use with your specific project can be discussed with our sales staff at the store, at the time of product selection.
In general, there are four major categories of underlayments: Foam, Rubber, Fibre, and Cork. Each of these four categories of substrates will have their own technical specifications (including IIC and STC ratings) and their own proper applications. For more information about technical specifications and proper use in projects, please visit our showroom and our sales staff will be happy to show you your options and explain the differences between them.
At Aspen Wood Floors, we carry a number of brands and a number of different offerings from each brand. Some of the manufacturers we represent carry their own underlays for the floors they produce. Examples of such manufacturers are Fuzion, Metropolitan (Evoke and Kentwood), and Torlys.
We also carry underlays from manufacturers whose only product is flooring underlayments. Some of the brands we represent include: Acoustitech, Delta, Dri-Core, Floor Muffler, Hush, Rhino, and Wilrep.
Clients with a concrete subfloor should keep in mind that their underlayment needs will be different from wooden subfloors. Concrete subfloors can be found in basements for residential units, condo towers, and commercial spaces. If you are in a condo and are looking to get the proper underlayments for your project, please keep in mind that your Condo Board and your property management office will often have specifications for the underlayment requirements of the building. This will also be true for most commercial spaces. If you do have specifications from your Condo Board, then please get them to provide you with a printed set of specifications and either bring this sheet with you to the showroom, or email it to your sales representative for better product selection guidance.
To learn more about what specific product is suitable for your next flooring project, visit our showroom and let our knowledgeable sales personnel, walk you through your options.